Lowongan Kerja PT Heinz ABC Indonesia, adalah anak perusahaan makanan raksasa HJ Heinz Co Limited. Berpengalaman lebih dari 140 tahun dengan merek seperti ikonik, termasuk Heinz,
Ones Smart, Ore-Ida, Pasar Boston, Walties, ABC, dan lainnya. Merek
produk kami yang terkenal diantaranya Kecap Manis, Sambal, Sirup, Terasi
dan Minuman siap minum adalah produk-produk yang telah dipasarkan.
PT Heinz ABC Indonesia kembali mencari kandidat yang sesuai dengan kualifikasi kami seperti dibawah ini lewat Lowongan Kerja Terbaru 2013 dengan jabatan:
Account Payable Staff
Invoice entry for RM/PM, freight cost, car rental and others
• Bachelor degree majoring in Acounting with GPA min 3.00 from reputable University
• Male / Female, age max 30 years old
• Having experience at least 1 - 2 years in FMCG in handling account payable and import administration
• Good knowledge on the standard of accounting principles
• Fluent in English
• Diligent, honest, responsible and pay attention to the details
• Eager to grow, result oriented, able to cooperate with others
• Able to work under pressure, has accuracy and speed
EHS Staff
• Menjamin bahwa kegiatan operasional pabrik telah memenuhi aspek
keselamatan kerja, kesehatan kerja dan lingkungan sesuai dengan regulasi
pemerintah dan kebijakan Manajemen
• Mengelola aspek lingkungan, keselamatan & kesehatan kerja untuk
menunjang proses produksi agar dapat terlaksana secara efisien dan
efektif sesuai dengan ketentuan pemerintah dan perusahaan yang berlaku
• Laki-laki / perempuan, usia maksimal 30 tahun
• Pendidikan
D3 /
S1 jurusan Kesehatan Masyarakat, Teknik Kimia atau Teknik Lingkungan
• Pengalaman kerja 0 - 1 tahun di bidang yang sama
• Menguasai OHSAS 18001 & SMK3
• Mengetahui ISO 9001 & 14001
• Pekerja keras, loyalitas, jujur, bertanggung jawab
• Dapat bekerja dengan team maupun individu
Product Developer (SUPERVISOR LEVEL)
Job Description:
• Responsible for implementation of Risk Assesment related to product
& Packaging as well as Specification Development and Approval
• To Prepare process design work for new products, to make the process
description in the process sheet, to do batch trial and monitoring
process, to make process improvements of the existing products for
quality improvement and cost reduction
• Completion of BOM Audit and Item Master
• Establish ISO documentation system for processing
• University Degree in food Technology From Reputable University
• Has experience 2 years in similar position
• Male/Female, Max 35 Years age
• Fluent in English both oral & written
• Good knowledge of process equipments, GMP and Production Process
• Problem Solver, Committed , Comercial mind, good in planning and organizing, good in personal adaptability.
Qualified candidates are challenged to apply. Please forward your applications (not more than 300 KB) to the following details:
Email : yuni.astuti@id.hjheinz.com
Expired : 06 Mei 2013